If you wish to search for individuals and businesses, you can still use the Yellowpages and Whitepages. However, they are now online electronically for the whole world to use. Sites such as Yahoo! people search, Lycos WhoWhere?, and of course the yellowpages are now ready to" let your fingers do the walking". Simply type in a name or address and hit enter. Also, a reverse search can be done by typing in the phone number to find out who that number belongs to.
If you wish to find current up-to- the minute news, a good choice would be to use Yahoo!News, Google News, or Bing News. These are usually directly from the major news agencies such as Reuters, Associated Press (AP), and United Press International (UPI).
As an alternative to search engines, you can use a specialize electronic resources. The more popular and well known resources are LexisNexis, Dialog, IngentaConnect, FindLaw, and Hoover's, Dun & Bradstreet. Each of these resources specializes in particular articles, journal, and a variety of other informational sources. LexisNexis is a service of information from a very large database of articles and abstracts on business, government, legal and medical information. IngentaConnect has more than 10, 000 articles online . You can view the summary of the articles for free, however, a fee is required to view the entire article. Dialog is a resource site for finding information about science, engineering, law, finance, and business. This information is a collection of journals, books, articles, magazines on a variety of topics including chemistry, business, enviroment, medicine and more. FindLaw is a legal resources portal specifically for law. Whether you need to find a lawyer or are researching a court case, you can find links to any legal matter. Hoover's is a very good resource for small and large business information. Just like Hoover's, Dun & Bradstreet has information regarding business matters like finding vendors, prospective customers.
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